Space Products & Innovation

Companies and individuals are using positioning, navigation and timing (PNT), Earth observation (EO), and communication satellite technologies and data to humanity's benefit. From commercial transportation to natural disaster relief, these products and services are changing, for the better, the way humans interact with others and the environment. The expansion of space infrastructures is creating new opportunities and products and services for those willing to use their imaginations.

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Space Products & Innovation Articles

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Satellite constellations weave growing global search and rescue safety net

Satellites have played a pivotal role in search and rescue…

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International Space Station experiments freshen laundry on Earth

In an ever-expanding space ecosystem, partnerships between the International Space…

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NASA’s EMIT Instrument Detects Massive Methane Emitters

One of NASA’s newest instruments on the International Space Station…

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Handheld Bioprinter Could Be a New Tool in an Astronaut’s First Aid Kit

Astronaut safety in space is always a top priority, especially…

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Solving Space Junk Problem Could Net Federal Prize

A grand prize could be in the offing for inventors…

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Getting Torqued: NASA, GM Glove Technology Adds Power, Ease to Manual Tasks

Exoskeletons that optimize human movements have been a staple of…

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2020 TSRQ3 – Space Products & Innovation

The increased use of satellite imagery and data in recent…

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With Roots in Space Travel, Wearable Tech Comes Full Orbit

You’ve just finished a tough workout, and at a glance,…

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2019 TSRQ4 – Space Products & Innovation

We owe much to the technologies developed in the pursuit…

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