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Midyear launches by select nations, 2014-2024
China led its global rivals with seven military launches, one more than the United States. China’s launches included fielding a new series of high-resolution spy satellites, according to state-controlled media.8 Russia and Japan each launched two military missions, while North Korea and Japan had a single mission each. The United States led the world in civil government space launches of the first half of the year, with a dozen launches.
Midyear launch trends, 2014-2024
Global launches through June 30 were up nearly 30% from 2023, easily eclipsing last year’s record 97 first half launches with 126. Launch failures also fell in the first half of 2024 despite the higher launch activity.
Military launches by nation, 2023
During the first half of 2024, China and the United States each launched five military missions to orbit. The Ukraine war, in its third year, continued to demonstrate the utility of satellites for intelligence, targeting and communication.
NASA commercial contracts awarded, 2016-2023
Through the CLPS initiative, NASA is working with 14 American companies to provide payload integration to, and surface operations on, the Moon. The initiative holds a cumulative maximum contract value of $2.6 billion through 2028.
Astronauts by top nations
The majority of astronauts (95%) have also reached the Kármán line at 100 km — the internationally recognized boundary of space.
Launch failures by number of satellites lost, 2003-2023
In 2023, launch failures resulted in the loss of 31 satellites, an increase of 48% from 2022.
Cumulative spacecraft on orbit, 1957-2023
Federal agencies in 2014 estimated by 2022 as many as 43 commercial satellites a year would head to orbit. Instead, more than 50 times . . .
Space insurance industry estimates, 2003-2022
As satellites get smaller and cheaper and companies pivot to building LEO constellations rather than purchasing single large satellites for GEO orbit, many operators are foregoing insurance after launch altogether.
Astronauts by private sector
As of mid-March, 685 astronauts have reached at least 80 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. This total includes 86 private astronauts, 22 times as many as there were two decades ago.
January, February launches 2022-2024
The first two months of 2024 saw an incredible pace of launches. The record set in 2023 could topple if two players alone make their goals.