Space Products & Innovation
James Webb Space Telescope’s year of big discoveries

JWST is offering new insights into the universe’s origins, which continue to challenge established physics and cosmology.
ESA’s Proba-3 mission launches to create artificial eclipses in orbit

ESA’s Proba-3 satellite pair will create artificial solar eclipses in orbit to study ejections from the Sun.
3D printing with recycled plastics is designed to aid sustainable space

Concerns over increasing orbital debris and a focus on in-situ resource utilization have carved a niche for one American company focusing on sustainability in space.
NASA lays off 5% of JPL staff amid budget tightening

NASA laid off more than 300 employees at its Jet Propulsion Laboratory amid a shrinking budget and an uncertain federal future.
NOAA finalizes GOES, eyes next generation of forecasting

Increasingly sophisticated weather satellites, such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) GOES fleet, are providing the timeliest weather and climate analysis ever fielded.
Volunteer crew emerges from year-long NASA Mars simulation

After 378 days, the CHAPEA crew emerged from its Mars Simulation at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
Dueling technologies would harness atoms for faster spaceflight

After decades of dormancy, the concept of spacecraft nuclear propulsion has returned to prominence. Projects from NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in partnership with the Department of Energy are looking to test the technology in space as soon as 2027.
Space-based research brings billions in value to medicine

Every year, NASA turns $10 billion in research and development funding into roughly 1,000 technology reports and 100 new patents.
Liftoff: Q1 2024 Highlights

The space industry is advancing faster than ever before with continual progress in the government, military and private sectors. Here are noteworthy business highlights from this quarter.
NASA completes first laser communications beyond Moon

As scientific instruments get more precise and the private and public sectors work to send humans farther into space than ever before, space data transfers are more important than ever before.