Space Products & Innovation
Science, Biotechnology, and Health Care
Space Products and Services – TSR 2014
Using Earth Observation Data to Better Understand Zebra Migrations
Scientists have relied on ground observations, GNSS collars, and satellite images to track animal migration. These tools allow scientists to monitor migration, but not to predict where or when it will happen.
PUMA Tracks Progress of Pulmonary Disease Patient
The Portable Unit for Metabolic Analysis (PUMA) was invented at NASA Glenn Research Center to monitor an astronaut’s oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release, basic factors in astronaut health. This same technology is now being used to track the treatment progress of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Taking Red Helps with Cholesterol
To reduce the logistical requirements of a crew operating in space, a spacecraft must carry a precise combination of plants and microorganisms that efficiently recover oxygen, potable water, and nutritious food from waste products.
Helping the Lame to Walk: The X1 Exoskeleton
Robonaut 2, a humanoid robot on the ISS, has lent its technology to another NASA project: the X1 robotic exoskeleton. The 26-kilogram (57-pound) X1 attaches to both legs, with controls and a harness extending over the person’s back and shoulders. X1 has been developed by NASA and industry partners for dual purposes.
Canada’s Biopsy Robot
Advances in robotics led by space programs are finding a wide array of uses in the medical field. In addition to the hospital QC Bot derived from the Mars rovers, a robot capable of performing biopsies for breast cancer has been developed and is entering clinical trials.
Space Products and Services – TSR 2013
NASA Refining Ultrasound for Athletic and Spinal Injuries
NASA’s Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity (ADUM) research team developed training modules and remote guidance techniques that would allow astronauts to perform accurate ultrasounds on patients after just minutes of training.
Curiosity’s X-Ray Instruments Identify Earth Minerals
Since instruments developed for spaceflight often need to withstand harsh conditions and be small and lightweight, they can be used in new or enhanced applications on Earth. By the time the Curiosity rover landed on Mars in August 2012, one of its instruments had already inspired a portable tool for geologists on Earth.
This Shoe Tracks You and then Phones Home
The Aetrex Navistar is a shoe that can be used to track patients with diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia who are at risk of wandering off and becoming lost. Using a GPS receiver and cellular transmitter located in the heel of the shoe, position information is transferred automatically to a secure server.