

As new operators and regional actors emerge, the mature players change their positioning in response. As governments map out a long-term, sustainable approach to exploration beyond the orbit of Earth, near-term programmatic and policy environments shift. As space investments generate returns, local and regional governments respond in order to better capture economic benefits. Understanding these dynamics yields an important perspective on opportunities and challenges.

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Perspective – TSR 2014

Perspective - TSR 2014 covers topics which include an evolving space industry: commoditization, differentiation, and the rise of regional operators, and the changing context in government space programs: national, regional,…

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2013 – Perspective

The evolution of the space sector is reflected in changes within the industry in response to new challenges and opportunities. As certain elements of the space economy become established economic goods, the ways customers buy—and companies sell—those space products and services evolves.

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2013 – Changing Context in Government Space Programs: National, Regional, and Local

As the commercial space sector matures, government space programs wrestle with defining the context and objectives for scientific and exploration activities while optimizing economic and societal return through space applications. International planning for space exploration activities provides a fr… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity, Packed with…

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Perspective – TSR 2013

Perspective - TSR 2013 covers topics that include space policy, space as a tool in international trade and development, building space infrastructure, and spaceports as an economic engine.  

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2012 – Spaceports as an Economic Engine

NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), the United States’ primary civil spaceport, marked its 50th anniversary in July 2012. The milestone coincides with the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle fleet and related changes in the U.S. human spaceflight program, causing uncertainty in the future utilization … Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide…

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