Satellite Design
Fixed Satellite Service Satellite Design
Fixed Satellite Service Satellite Design
International rights to geostationary orbital slots are vital to FSS operators that need to reach the most promising markets. The orbital arc is becoming congested with more satellites utilizing the traditional C- and Ku-band frequencies, which raises the importance of careful coordination among va… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide to…
2013 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Satellite Design Activities
Over the past few years, several companies have deployed new satellites designed to use the relatively less crowded Ka-band set of frequencies to support delivery of space-based internet broadband. Operators such as Eutelsat, Avanti Communications in the United Kingdom, and ViaSat in the United Stat… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide…
2012 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Satellite Design Activities
The number of FSS satellites has increased tremendously over the past five years due to the growth of several applications that drive the need for satellite capacity. Deregulation of international markets has sparked the licensing of many cable and DTH providers that provide customers with content v… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The…
2011 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Satellite Design Activities
Note: This exhibit is from The Space Report 2012. In 2010 and 2011, several highly specialized satellites that utilize a relatively underused frequency range, called the Ka-band, were placed into orbit to support space-based internet broadband delivered directly to homes or small businesses. … Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide…
2008 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Satellite Design Activities – Snapshot
Since 2004, the FSS sector has experienced steady increases in the utilization of its satellites, in some regions verging on exhaustion of currently available capacity. The major FSS players report utilization numbers exceeding 90% of available capacity in certain regions such as North America, the … Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative…
2005 – Broadband-to-Home
Sidebar — Consumer broadband services offered by WildBlue Communications, Inc. and Telesat Canada in North America attracted thousands of customers by the end of 2005, and hundreds of thousands are expected to sign up by the end of 2006. “This rate of growth would not be possibl… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide to Global…
2005 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Satellite Design Activities
Direct-to-home (DTH) television is the transmission of television programming directly to end-user equipment. Other terms are direct broadcast and satellite television. The term broadcast service satellite (BSS) is often used to describe satellites offering these services. BSS satellites operate in … Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity,…