
2016 TSRQ1 – Space Products & Innovation

As humans continue to explore space, their ingenuity brings the technology used for space operations and exploration down to Earth. Whether leading sport-fishermen to a favorite fishing hole, or helping farmers predict crop yields, space products and services continue to make things convenient for humans and help them survive during turbulent times.

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Satellite Infrastructure Supports Middle East Media

Satellite communications play a very important role in developing nations, which often lack extensive ground-based infrastructure. In order to improve its broadcasting capabilities, Iraq is in the process of deploying new satellite television terminals to operate within the Arab States Broadcasting Union. This group serves as the umbrella organization for Arab government-owned radio and television channels, promoting media broadcasting and content development in the region.

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Coordinating Aid with GPS

Increasingly, United Nations and international nongovernmental workers dealing with humanitarian needs in war-torn countries, such as Iraq and Somalia, are relying on GPS technologies to coordinate aid remotely.

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Responsive Bus Routing

A technology developed by ESA is helping rural areas to provide on-demand public bus service. In many rural areas, public transportation connections are infrequent. Governments are reluctant to increase public transportation services where revenue does not justify the expense.

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