VADM Ross A. Myers, USN
Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command
U.S. Navy
Commander, U.S. 10th Fleet
Vice Adm. Ross Myers is a native of Garden City, Kansas. He graduated from Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, the University of Kansas with a Master of Business Administration, and the National War College with a Master of Science in National Security Strategy.
Myers, a career carrier naval aviator, has commanded at all levels of naval aviation including squadron, fleet replacement squadron, air wing and carrier strike group, and has been stationed twice with forward Deployed Naval Forces in Atsugi, Japan.
Shore and staff tours include flag aide for Commander in Chief Allied Forces Southern Europe in Naples, Italy, and Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe in London, England; joint assessments analyst and executive assistant for the deputy chief of naval operations (resources, warfare requirements, and assessments) N81; deputy executive assistant to the chief of naval operations.
Joint assignments include assistant deputy director for global operations, Joint Staff (J39); executive assistant to vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. As a flag officer, Myers served as vice deputy director for Nuclear, Homeland Defense and Current Operations, Joint Staff (J33); director of Plans and Policy (J5) at Headquarters, U.S Cyber Command; chief of staff at Headquarters, U.S. Cyber Command; deputy commander, U.S. Cyber Command. He assumed command of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet in Sept. 2020.
Myers has served on teams that have been awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Citation, Meritorious Unit Citation and the Battle Efficiency “E” Awards.