Ravin Pierre
AirFleet Systems Monitoring Engineer & Resident Data Scientist
Jan 2021 marks my 15th year at the Boeing Company.
Although I’ve primarily worked in Aircraft Fuels, Propulsion, Airline Customer Service and also advising on Ethical A.I. (combating Algorithmic Bias) at the Boeing Company, my heart is in space.
Space projects:
Through the University of Michigan, I worked on NASA MESSENGER Planet Mercury Probe under Dr Thomas Zurbuchen, who’s now the Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA; Volunteer collaborated as a team Data Science manager with DataKind (#Data4Good) for our charitable client the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) https://www.datakind.org/blog/using-satellite-imagery-to-generate-awareness-and-funds-for-refugees; I volunteer at Space Frontier’s New Space Conference Seattle, WA and I regularly attend Small Sat Conference; Lastly I’m personally working on a Space Economic research project promoting radical inclusiveness in Space Tourism.
(Fun fact: I was a male model for Boeing college recruitment. That’s the source of this image.)