Col. Todd Pennington, USAF

Staff Judge Advocate
United States Space Command

Colonel Todd Pennington is the Staff Judge Advocate (Chief Legal Counsel) for United States Space Command. As Staff Judge Advocate, he is the principal legal advisor to the commander, staff, and component forces for the planning and execution of operations in, from, and through space to deter conflict, defeat aggression, deliver space combat power for the Joint/Combined force, and defend U.S. vital interests with allies and partners. Colonel Pennington is a graduate of the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at the University of Memphis, and entered active duty in 1998 as a distinguished graduate of Air Force ROTC. He is a paratrooper and veteran of eight deployments as legal counsel to Special Operations Task Forces. He has served in the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as Deputy Legal Counsel, and as a Staff Judge Advocate at the Field Command, Numbered Air Force, Wing, and Joint Task Force levels in the United States, Europe, Japan, Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Colonel Pennington was previously the Staff Judge Advocate for United States Space Force, and led the strategic transformation of the Space Force legal enterprise from one supporting a single legacy Air Force Major Command to the Space Force’s current force structure of three Field Commands. His military decorations include the Legion of Merit (second award) and the Bronze Star (third award).  

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