CAPT Bradd C. Olsen, USN (Ret.)
Navy Liaison
U.S. Space Command
Director, SATCOM Integrated Operations Division of CSpOC
Mr. Olsen received a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1988. He received his Master of Science in Space Operations from Webster University in 2003.
Following commissioning in November 1989 at Aviation Officer Candidate School, he completed flight training in Pensacola, FL, and was designated a Naval Aviator. He completed electronic warfare training in Pensacola and initial EA-6B training with Electronic Attack Squadron VAQ-129 in Whidbey Island, WA. Assigned to VAQ-139, during OPERATION SOUTHERN WATCH aboard USS Carl Vinson he was awarded the Strike Flight Air Medal, plus his EA-6B Mission Commander rating, and led the squadron’s HARM missile live fire test. In 1995 he was assigned to USSPACECOM, Cheyenne Mountain, CO, where he performed duties as the Missile Warning Deputy Commander, Space Control Officer, and Space Electronic Warfare Officer. Transitioning to the Navy Reserve in 1998, he served under the USSPACECOM Chief Scientist as a Space and Missile Analyst and worked as a contractor supporting Air Force Space command supporting Space Control operations. Assigned to USSTRATCOM in 2004, he became the lead Space Control Instructor at the National Security Space Institute (NSSI). Assigned to USNORTHCOM in 2006, he stood watch in the N-NC Command Center and served as the Executive Officer of Navy Reserve N-NC HQ. In 2008 he completed twelve months of ADSW with N-NC J8 Programs, Resources, and Analysis. Assigned to SPAWAR 0466 as the Unit Executive Officer and Satellite Project Officer in 2010, he supported all five Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite launches. As a contractor in 2010 he began supporting the NSSI as a Space-200 Instructor. In 2012 he was mobilized to Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa, where he was the Deputy Director of Strategy and Plans. Post deployment, he returned to NR SPAWAR HQs as the Deputy for Strategy and Plans and the NSSI as a contract Instructor. In 2016 he returned to active duty with FLTCYBERCOM/TENTHFLT as the Navy Chair for the Fighting SATCOM Working Group, standing up a new joint SATCOM operations center. In Dec 2016 he took command of NR SPAWAR 0466 and executed both active duty and reserve assignments concurrently for three years. Retiring from military service in December 2019, he became a Navy Civilian and commenced work as the Navy Space Liaison to USSPACECOM and the Director of the SATCOM Integrated Operations Division (SIOD) of the Combined Space Operations Center (CSpOC).
He completed JPME Phase-I through the Navy War College and held the highest level of Space Qualification, VS8 in the Navy Space Cadre. Personal decorations include the Legion of Merit, two Defense Meritorious Service Medals, Meritorious Service Medal, Strike Flight Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, five Joint Meritorious Unit Awards, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and Expeditionary Medal.