The Space Report 2024 Quarter 1: E-magazine

The Space Report - 2024 - Q1 - Cover

The Space Report 2024, Quarter 1: E-magazine

Price: $250

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Private U.S. Space Employment Continues to Climb
Trends in private and government space employment are tracked and analyzed based on the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and other agencies. Analysis includes examining pay across several sectors.

Satellite Off-the-Shelf Technology Makes Space Capabilities More Accessible
With a growing realm of commercial capabilities in orbit, nations around the globe without domestic space capabilities are contracting services from space that meet civil government and military demands. And the rush to acquire those services is inspiring start-ups and traditional players to further expand their offerings as a new industry grows in orbit. 

As More New Launch Vehicles Debut, Risk of Lost Payloads Climbs
Increasing annual launches and new players in the launch market have led to many notable failures over the past few years. When customers are spending years developing a satellite and paying millions to launch it to orbit, what happens when their hard work burns up in the atmosphere? This analysis looks at the number of payloads that have been lost over the past decade, how companies and agencies have been able to cope with the loss, and what launch vehicle startups are doing to mitigate loss.

Tournear Focuses on Reshaping SDA with New Priorities
SDA’s Derek Tournear talks about his plans for 2024 after notching records in 2023. A self-described disruptor, Tournear has spurred the move to small satellites in low Earth orbit for the Pentagon, including communications, Earth observation and missile warning. It’s a major shift and has ruffled feathers of some uniformed leaders.

Nuclear Fission Advances Toward Accelerating Space Travel
Engineers are working out one problem that has intrigued scientists for decades: How to unleash the power of nuclear fission to speed up spaceflight. New experiments, including Lockheed Martin’s Draco are aimed at unlocking the potential of atomic thrust.

Medical Advancements Developed in Space Bring Billions in Annual Revenues
A look at the in-use medical devices that have R&D backgrounds in space: liquid-cooled garments, anti-shock (compression) garments, and the DeBakey Blood Pump. Every year, NASA turns $10 billion in research and development funding into roughly 1,000 new technology reports and 100 new patents.

But Wait! So Much More Space Awaits.

This quarterly edition contains the latest research and analysis from
Space Foundation and is available for purchase below. But it’s a fraction
of the information available to you.

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four PDFs for $499
and annual online subscriptions that provide interactive graphics,
additional online content, and years of analysis of the global space
ecosystem, developing space markets, space exploration, investment activity,
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The Space Report 2024, Quarter 1: e-magazine

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