The Space Report 2023 Quarter 3: E-magazine

The Space Report - 2023 - Q3 - Cover

The Space Report 2023, Quarter 3: E-magazine

Price: $250

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What’s Next for the Future of Space Jobs
Jobs by the tens of thousands are hard to fill in the global space industry.
See how space employment around the world is tracking, where the need is, and
how schools and employers are shifting efforts to attract and retain top

AI Is Keeping An Eye on the Earth Observation
Artificial intelligence is proving beneficial for a variety of applications,
especially in data-heavy industries such as Earth observation and data
collection. Learn how AI is helping a variety of industries and why its market
value is expected to double in five years.

Space-based Solar Power Investments Rise
Multiple government and academic institutions are conducting proof of concept
experiments on projecting solar energy from satellites to the ground. These
include CalTech, Naval Research Laboratory's PRAM, and Air Force’s SSPIDR. The
Space Report looks at the rise of testing and what’s next.

Your Portal to Space Knowledge
Don’t miss out. Download the space report trusted by space professionals,
decision-makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and major media outlets today.

But Wait! So Much More Space Awaits.

This quarterly edition contains the latest research and analysis from
Space Foundation and is available for purchase below. But it’s a fraction
of the information available to you.

The Space Report offers a yearly subscription of
four PDFs for $499
and annual online subscriptions that provide interactive graphics,
additional online content, and years of analysis of the global space
ecosystem, developing space markets, space exploration, investment activity,
and space-inspired industries on Earth.
Click here to learn about subscription offers.

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The Space Report 2023, Quarter 3: e-magazine

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