The Space Report 2023 Quarter 1: E-magazine

The Space Report - 2023 - Q1 - Cover

The Space Report 2023, Quarter 1: E-magazine

Price: $250

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Analyzing the Latest U.S. Space Workforce Data
The Space Report 2023 Q1 discusses the latest national space workforce data
and details hiring, salary averages, and workforce diversity. Also examined:
The top 10 U.S. states for aerospace engineers, their workforce and economic

Evolution of the New Space Stations
Read about the impressive 50-year history of space stations and how their
presence has impacted the scientific community. Then, learn more about future
space stations, the timeline for deployment, and how the U.S. is working with
various companies to stay competitive in low Earth orbit.

International Spaceport Development
We offer a global analysis of spaceport business plans while examining the
development efforts, regulations, research and funding efforts that affect the
pace and promise of opening new spaceports around the world.

Satellite Refueling
On-orbit refueling and satellite repair holds great promise for operators that
have historically invested significantly in their satellites, but the
advancements come as the growth of small, lower-cost SmallSats escalates. Read
this to understand the history, challenges, and alternatives to satellite

NASA and Commercial Procurement
NASA’s Senior Procurement Director Karla Jackson outlines how the agency will
streamline engagement with the private sector.

Space Education for New Congress
U.S. lawmakers say their top focus is space industry workforce development.
This article discusses key players on space committees, their planned
initiatives, aerospace industry efforts to increase congressional space
awareness, and what we can expect as the new Congress takes hold in 2023.

Your Portal to Space Knowledge
Don’t miss out. Download the space report trusted by space professionals,
decision-makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and major media outlets today.

But Wait! So Much More Space Awaits.

This quarterly edition contains the latest research and analysis from
Space Foundation and is available for purchase below. But it’s a fraction
of the information available to you.

The Space Report offers a yearly subscription of
four PDFs for $499
and annual online subscriptions that provide interactive graphics,
additional online content, and years of analysis of the global space
ecosystem, developing space markets, space exploration, investment activity,
and space-inspired industries on Earth.
Click here to learn about subscription offers.

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The Space Report 2023, Quarter 1: e-magazine

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