The Space Report 2022 Quarter 4: E-magazine

The Space Report 2022, Quarter 4: E-magazine

Price: $250

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This edition of The Space Report focuses on end-of-year analysis of launch and payload activity but also examines expectations for new launch vehicles, policy and spending for U.S. space programs, and some of the science and engineering that continue to fuel and support new missions.


  • 2022 launch analysis
  • Annual payload deployment growth and analysis
  • 2023 launch preview
  • End-of-year space investment and market analysis
  • Solar Cycle 25 anticipated impacts and solar probe missions
  • NDAA and U.S. space defense spending analysis
  • How digital twinning built the past and future of space systems

But Wait! So Much More Space Awaits.

This quarterly edition contains the latest research and analysis from Space Foundation and is available for purchase below. But it’s a fraction of the information available to you.

The Space Report offers a yearly subscription of four PDFs for $499 and annual online subscriptions that provide interactive graphics, additional online content, and years of analysis of the global space ecosystem, developing space markets, space exploration, investment activity, and space-inspired industries on Earth. Click here to learn about subscription offers.

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The Space Report 2022, Quarter 4: e-magazine

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