Russian Space Budget, 2005-2021
Indian Space Budget, 2005-2021

Indian space activities are coordinated through the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
Spanish Space Budget, 2009-2021

Space activities in Spain are coordinated by the Instituto Nacional de Tècnica Aeroespacial (INTA) within the Ministry of Defense.
Italian Space Budget, 2005-2021

The Italian space agency, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) is the main contributor, other agencies within Italy also invest in space activities, including the Ministry of Defense.
German Space Budget, 2005-2021
European Space Agency Budget, 2005-2021

A growing share of European public investment in civil space programs is funded by the European Union under the auspices of its executive body, the European Commission (EC).
Chinese Space Budget, 2005-2021

The Chinese space budget is not publicly available. However, Chinese capabilities and space projects provide indicators for informed estimates of the nation’s space budget. . .
Canadian Space Budget, 2005-2021

The Canadian government allocates money to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Canada is also a cooperating state with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Israeli Space Budget, 2009-2018

South African Space Budget, 2011-2020