Payload Launch
Orbital Payload Launch
2012 – Orbital Launch Reports and Forecasts
Global launch activity in 2012 was similar to activity during the previous five years in both the total number and the balance between commercial and non-commercial payloads. Throughout 2012, there were ## orbital launch attempts, all but ## of which were fully or partially successful.
2011 – U.S. Launch, Payload Snapshot
The United States continued to operate the world’s most diverse fleet of orbital launch vehicles in 2011. While its total of ## successful launches was not the world’s highest, it led in terms of diversity, with ## different types of orbital rockets launched throughout the year. In addition, 2011 saw progress toward the introduction of a new rocket system, the Antares (known prior to December 2011 as the Taurus II) and the announcement of three new launch systems, the Falcon Heavy, the Space Launch System, and the as-yet unnamed vehicle under development by Stratolaunch Systems.
2011 – Orbital Launch Reports and Forecasts Snapshot
Orbital launch activity increased by ##% in 2011, rising to ## launches from a total of ## in 2010. Continuing a trend that began in 2004, Russia was the nation that conducted the most launches, with a total of ##. China followed with a total of ## launches, conducting ## more ## than the United States.
2011 – Iran, Sea Launch – Snapshot
Two other space programs made news in 2011, as space newcomer Iran successfully conducted ## launch and the multinational commercial venture Sea Launch resumed operations after a hiatus of nearly two and a half years.
2011 – India Launch Efforts – Snapshot
India had a successful year in 2011, launching ## rockets without any of the failures that plagued its 2010 launch season. All ## launches used the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). While the rocket’s nomenclature hints at its original purpose to place satellites into polar orbit, over time it has launched medium-weight satellites into a variety of orbits.
2011 – Japan Launch Efforts – Snapshot
The Japanese space program continued operations at its usual pace with ## launches in 2011. The first launch occurred in January and sent the second H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) to its rendezvous and docking with the ISS. Much like the European ATV, the HTV is an uncrewed cargo vehicle designed to dock with the ISS and transfer dry cargo, fuel, and water to the station, before being loaded with the station’s garbage and sent back to Earth to burn up in the atmosphere.
2011 – European Launch Efforts – Snapshot
Europe made progress in 2011 toward expanding its range of launch options. Europe conducted ## launches of its workhorse Ariane 5 rocket. ## of those were standard dual-payload commercial launches, each lifting two communications satellites into orbit for commercial clients. The first Ariane 5 launch of 2011, conducted in February, was the exception and placed an Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) into orbit to rendezvous and dock with the ISS.
2011 – China’s Launch efforts – Snapshot
China’s annual total of ## flights surpassed its previous record of ## launches set in 2010. Additionally, 2011 marked the first year that China conducted more orbital launches than the United States, which performed ## launches in 2011. China’s increased launch rate over the last two years was mainly attributable to launches that placed satellites for China’s Beidou navigation system into orbit.
2011 – Russia’s Launch Efforts – Snapshot
Russia entered 2011 in the midst of an investigation into the loss of a Proton rocket carrying three Russian government navigation satellites in December 2010. Russian space officials scrambled to determine the cause of the loss, which was eventually determined to be the over-fueling of an upper stage. Problems continued to arise in 2011, leading to the loss of ## launch vehicles and the Phobos-Grunt mission to Mars. Nevertheless, Russia maintained its place as the world’s most-frequent launch provider with ## launches.
2010 – India’s Launch Efforts – Snapshot
India conducted ## launches in 2010, up from two in 2009. However, ## of the ## in 2010 were unsuccessful. The ## ## used the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle to carry into orbit two remote sensing satellites, one of which was Indian and the other Algerian, along with several small technology demonstration craft.