Interactive Tables and Charts
Data Economy
Chinese Space Budget, 2005-2021
The Chinese space budget is not publicly available. However, Chinese capabilities and space projects provide indicators for informed estimates of the nation’s space budget. . .
Canadian Space Budget, 2005-2021
The Canadian government allocates money to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Canada is also a cooperating state with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Israeli Space Budget, 2009-2018
South African Space Budget, 2011-2020
Brazilian Space Budget, 2008-2018
EUMETSAT Space Budget, 2009-2021
Civil government spending on space programs and activities in Europe comes from four sources . . .
NASA Budget, 1959-2021
NASA has passed a series of large budget increases over the past few years. However, adjusting for inflation shows that U.S. civil space spending is still below earlier peaks in program history.
Pentagon space spending has more than doubled since 2005
Space Foundation records show Pentagon space spending has more than doubled since 2005 from $19.7 billion to $41.4 billion
Military space spending at four-year intervals
Chart shows military space spending at four-year intervals during President Barack Obama’s two terms, President Donald Trump’s term, and President Joe Biden’s current term.
Civil Space Spending in Africa (USD), 2021
Although the continent’s total space spending is a small fraction of global spending, Africa is quickly becoming a space powerhouse. The African Union’s Agenda 2063 includes the Africa Outer Space Strategy as one of 15 flagship projects “to [accelerate] Africa’s economic growth and development.”