
Commercial Infrastructure and Support Industries

2015 – Satellite Manufacturing

Aboard the 86 rockets that attempted a launch in 2015, there were 262 spacecraft, down 11% from 296 in 2014. Of the spacecraft intended for orbit in 2015, 126 were nanosatellites weighing less than 10 kilograms (22 pounds), a type of satellite whose numbers have increased in recent years.

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2015 – Launch Industry

Attempted orbital launches decreased from 92 in 2014 to 86 in 2015.  Of these 86 launches, 83 successfully reached orbit. There were 22 launch attempts for commercial payloads and the other 64 were for government payloads. Eurospace, the European space industry association, estimates that the global market value for orbital launches in 2015 was $8.01 billion, essentially the same as the 2014 value of $8.10 billion.

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Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2015

Economy: Space Economy - TSR 2015 an annual review of the commercial space infrastructure and support industries and space-based products and services used on Earth. This edition also delves into…

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2014 – Space Insurance

Infrastructure support industries include services such as space insurance and space-related research and development. The global space insurance industry saw continued profitability in 2014, although not to the same extent as in recent years. Space insurance premiums at the end of 2014 were estimated to total $## million, against which $## million in claims were filed. The countries with the greatest number of launches were also the ones who faced a few costly accidents. The Antares launch failure and destruction of its Cygnus capsule was said to cost only about $## million in insurance losses.

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2014 – Commercial Human Spaceflight

Since 2011, NASA has relied on contracts with the Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos, to send American astronauts to the ISS. The price for each seat on a Russian capsule rose to $## million in 2014, up $# million from 2013. NASA had earlier decided that the milestone-driven Commercial Crew Program, based in part on the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Program, would help speed the goal of advancing development of a commercially operated crew transportation system capable of ferrying astronauts to and from the ISS. In November 2013, NASA issued the final Request for Proposals for Phase 2 of the Commercial Crew Program, called the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contract.

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2014 – Ground Stations and Receivers

Ground stations and equipment are terrestrial infrastructure used by people on Earth to command and control satellites and satellite payloads; send, receive, and distribute satellite data and communications; and monitor satellite health. Ground stations and equipment make up the biggest part of the commercial infrastructure and support industries sector, with ##% of the market in 2014.

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2014 – Space Stations

The ISS partner nations have agreed to support regular resupply and personnel transport missions through 2020, while the United States plans to extend use of the ISS until at least 2024. For fiscal year (FY) 2014, NASA spent $## billion on ISS operations, $## million more than FY 2013 actual spending of $## billion. Construction of the $## billion ISS occurred over 14 years, relying on more than ## rocket and shuttle launches to complete. Extension beyond its planned retirement in 2020 is expected to expand the amount of research that can be performed.

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2014 – Satellite Manufacturing

Aboard the ## rockets that attempted a launch in 2014, there were ## spacecraft. Contributing to this very high number, ## of the spacecraft were nanosatellites weighing less than 10 kilograms (22 pounds), a type of satellite whose numbers have skyrocketed in very recent years. The increase of such light spacecraft activity is mostly related to the growing popularity of cubesats, a subcategory of nanosatellites based on a minimalist and open-source design proposed in 1999 by California Polytechnic State University and Stanford University.

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2014 – Launch Industry

Attempted orbital launches increased from ## in 2013 to ## for 2014. Of these ## launches, ## successfully placed their primary payloads into orbit. There were ## launch attempts for commercial payloads and the other ## were for government payloads. Eurospace, the European space industry association, estimates that the global market value for orbital launches in 2014 was $## billion, ##% higher than the 2013 value of $## billion.

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