Government Space Budgets

Annual Government Space Budgets Global Overview

2011 – Government Space Budgets Overview Snapshot

Overall government investment in space remains strong and growing, although the effect of smaller budgets is being seen in some places, including the United States, where 2011 government space spending was below the 2010 level. While the United States remains responsible for ##% of global government space spending, other governments appropriate significant amounts. Some, such as Brazil, Israel, and Russia, are on the cusp or in the midst of major increases in government space appropriations. Government space programs accounted for approximately $## billion in spending during 2011, which represents ##% of the total global space economy.

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Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2011

Economy: Space Economy - TSR 2011 an annual review of the commercial space infrastructure and support industries and space-based products and services used on Earth. This edition also delves into the…

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2010 – Government Space Budgets – Snapshot

While the United States accounts for ##% of global government space spending, on par with recent years, a large and growing number of countries appropriate sizeable sums for various space programs. Government space programs accounted for approximately $## billion in spending during 2010, which represents about a third of the total global space economy.

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2009 – Government Space Budgets – Snapshot

Government space budgets are estimated at $## billion for 2009, comprising ##% of the global space economy. This funding supports military, civilian, and commercial space programs covering a broad variety of activities such as national security, scientific research, technology development, and social welfare that target health, rural communications, and emergency services. The U.S. government accounted for ##% of the global space economy in 2009, a slight increase from ##% of the total in 2008. International space budgets tracked in 2008 and 2009 increased by ##%.

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2008 – Government Space Budgets – Snapshot

Throughout the world, large-scale space programs, particularly those tied to national scientific or defense programs, are heavily supported by government budgets. Government spending accounted for ##% of global space activity in 2008. The United States accounted for ##% of this global government spending. Space budgets for other governments rose nearly ##% in U.S. dollars, though actual growth was closer to ##% when adjusted for currency fluctuations.

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2007 – Government Space Budgets Overview

Government space budgets support infrastructure and space products and services. Government spending accounted for ##% of global space activity in 2007, and the United States accounted for ##% of global government space spending, based on available information. Overall, U.S. government space spending rose ##%. International government budgets rose almost ##% in U.S. dollars, though the actual growth is closer to #% when adjusted for currency fluctuations. Large increases in Russian space spending (##%) and in the budget for Italy’s Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (##%) drove this growth

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2005 – Government Space Budgets Overview

Non-U.S. military estimates, which are for 2004, include the following countries: United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and Israel. China’s budget includes both military and civil expenditures. Note that the estimate of China’s space budget is controversial. At a NASA budget hearing in April 2006, much of the discussion was about the possible size of China’s space program and its ability to complete its plans to land astronauts on the Moon in 2017.

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