
Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2011

Economy: Space Economy - TSR 2011 an annual review of the commercial space infrastructure and support industries and space-based products and services used on Earth. This edition also delves into the…

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2010 – Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Space Activities – Snapshot

The dominant providers of international fixed satellite services (FSS) are Intelsat, SES, Eutelsat, and Telesat. These four companies collectively own nearly half of all GEO commercial communications satellites (125 satellites, or 47% of the total), and represented 49% of total FSS market revenues in 2010.

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2010 – Canadian Government Space Budget – Snapshot

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) managed an FY 2010 budget of C$## million (US$## million), including a planned contribution of C$## million (US$## million) to the European Space Agency. The CSA-only budget of C$## million (US$## million) represents a ##% decrease from the previous year’s CSA-only budget of C$## million (US$## million). The CSA focused its funding in three main activity areas: Earth observation; space science and exploration, which includes robotic and human spaceflight; and satellite communication and navigation systems.

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2010 – Demographics – Snapshot

The United States, Canada, and Europe together comprised about 35% of first-degree STEM graduates. Japan and South Korea comprised 8% and 6%, respectively, while Australia comprised 2%. Europe led in STEM doctoral degree production, comprising 44% of the total as of 2006 and experiencing growth of 29% between 2002 and 2006.

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2010 – Degrees Awarded – Snapshot

While mechanisms such as the PISA test reveal a cross-national focus on primary and secondary STEM competency, a more direct measure of the potential international space workforce is offered through a comparative analysis of STEM university graduates by country.

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Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2010

Economy: Space Economy - TSR 2010 an annual review of the commercial space infrastructure and support industries and space-based products and services used on Earth. This edition also delves into…

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Ship-tracking Satellites Started Production

Preparing to make advances in the shipping industry is COM DEV, a Canadian satellite manufacturer that is developing a global ship identification and tracking service for use by maritime and coastal authorities.

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