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ESA’s Euclid Telescope reveals first images of the stars

The Horsehead nebula as seen by ESA's Euclid spacecraft. Credit: ESA.

The European Space Agency released an initial batch of full-color images from its Euclid space telescope, showing the capability of the spacecraft’s 600-megapixel camera, which will be used on Euclid’s planned six-year mission to measure the accelerating expansion of the universe.

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Senate approves bill to limit space debris amid budget battles

Detonation of a rocket body

A measure aimed at reducing space debris has passed the U.S. Senate with unanimous support and is headed to the House floor. The Orbits Act would require NASA to establish a pilot program for clearing debris from orbit, and orders tighter regulations to limit space junk.

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European Nations Lead with Space Workforce Growth from 2021 to 2022

Trends in the size and composition of the global space workforce provide a lens into the health and trajectory of the industry. While many countries do not collect or release data on their space workforce, several major space actors, including the United States, Europe, Japan, and India, publish this information annually.

Trends in the size and composition of the global space workforce provide a lens into the health and trajectory of the industry. While many countries do not collect or release data on their space workforce, several major space actors, including the United States, Europe, Japan, and India, publish this information annually.

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Space-based Solar Power Investments Rise, but Infrastructure Remains Daunting

Solar is the most abundant energy resource on Earth. In space, unobscured by Earth’s atmosphere, solar energy is even stronger. Space-based solar power (SBSP) is not a new concept, but the field has seen a rise in research and milestones since 2020.

Solar is the most abundant energy resource on Earth. In space, unobscured by Earth’s atmosphere, solar energy is even stronger. Space-based solar power (SBSP) is not a new concept, but the field has seen a rise in research and milestones since 2020.

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SNAPSHOT: Human Spaceflight

From the early days of the space race, sending humans to space has always been a key priority. The International Space Station (ISS) has maintained a continuous human presence in orbit for more than 20 years, and microgravity research on space stations has provided valuable insight for future long-term human missions in space.

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As Global Satellite Data Expands, Companies Develop AI for Initial Analysis

While most people may think of ChatGPT or deep fake images when they hear “artificial intelligence”, AI methodologies are proving beneficial for a wide variety of applications, especially in data-heavy industries such as Earth observation.

While most people may think of ChatGPT or deep fake images when they hear “artificial intelligence”, AI methodologies are proving beneficial for a wide variety of applications, especially in data-heavy industries such as Earth observation.

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India’s Lunar Landing Highlights Renewed Race to Moon

When Chandrayaan-3 touched down on the lunar south pole, India took center stage in a new Space Race to the Moon. In the coming years, China, Russia, Japan, India, and the U.S. all plan on missions to the Moon.

When Chandrayaan-3 touched down on the lunar south pole, India took center stage in a new Space Race to the Moon. In the coming years, China, Russia, Japan, India, and the U.S. all plan on missions to the Moon.

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New Race to the Moon Geostrategic Issues Dwarf Former US-Soviet Rivalry

Until December 2013, when China’s Yutu rover rolled onto the lunar surface, the United States and Russia were smug in being the only countries to successfully land spacecraft on the Moon. That exclusive club was just blown open in August 2023 by the historic success of India’s Vikram lander reaching the Moon’s south pole.

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Growing Orbital Dangers Drive U.S. ASAT Proposal, Strategic Questions

U.S. leaders have noted growing threats in space from satellites designed to manipulate, damage, destroy or even hijack orbital targets, ground-based lasers and creative hackers.

U.S. leaders have noted growing threats in space from satellites designed to manipulate, damage, destroy or even hijack orbital targets, ground-based lasers and creative hackers.

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Scotland’s Bold Plans Seek to Rule European Space Markets

With expertise in small satellites and coastal launch facilities under construction, Scotland aims to capture nearly $5 billion of the global space economy by 2030. It’s a rapid transformation for a country within the United Kingdom that had virtually no space firms 20 years ago and now boasts more than 8,000 space workers.

With expertise in small satellites and coastal launch facilities under construction, Scotland aims to capture nearly $5 billion of the global space economy by 2030. It’s a rapid transformation for a country within the United Kingdom that had virtually no space firms 20 years ago and now boasts more than 8,000 space workers.

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