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2005 – Satellite Communications

SIA’s Satellite Industry Survey does not report telephone trunking revenue (i.e., telephony-related revenue from transponder leasing) separately, but as part of the FSS market. SIA also includes VSAT revenue, revenue from data and video transponder leasing, and remote sensing in FSS revenue, for a total of $## billion. Euroconsult lists FSS market revenue as $## billion for 2005; this number is based on revenues from all 36 FSS satellite operators.

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2005 – RDT&E and IR&D funding

Independent Research and Development (IR&D) costs are estimated at $## billion, half of which was retroactively funded by the DoD. Assuming that the proportion of aerospace IR&D to space IR&D is the same as the proportion of aerospace research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) ($## billion) and space RDT&E ($## billion), the IR&D covered by corporations is about $## million.

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2005 – Space Insurance

The revenue for space insurance in 2005 was $## million.

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