U.S. National Security Workforce
U.S Army Space Workforce
2019 TSRQ1 – Workforce: U.S. Space Workforce

The global space industry employs hundreds of thousands of highly-skilled individuals to design, produce, and operate cutting-edge technology. This workforce, in turn, contributes to thriving local economies, with clusters of innovative companies and service support industries. Understanding trends . . .
2017 – U.S. Army Space Workforce – Snapshot

The U.S. Army maintains a sizeable force of soldiers and civilians with training and experience in the space domain, with 4,948 space cadre billets in FY 2018. This was an increase of . . .
2016 – U.S. Army Space Cadre Overview
The U.S. Army Space Cadre grew from 11 FA40 (Space Professional) officers in 1999 to 374 FA40 officer billets for 2016. The Army’s Space Professionals make up a small, but critical, part of a bigger Space Cadre, which includes another 3025 personnel from another category, Army Space Enablers.
2016 – U.S. Army Space Workforce – Snapshot
The Army Space Workforce, referred to as the Space Cadre, reached ## billets in FY 2017, an increase of more than a ## from FY 2016. Although they account for less than ##% of the total, with…
2015 – U.S. Army Space Workforce – Snapshot
The next largest security space workforce in the United States is within the Army, with more than 3,399 billets for FY 2016, 8.4% more than the 3,137 billets in FY 2015. The 374 Space Operations Officers (FA40) make up about 10% of this total, with the remaining 3,025 made up of Space Enablers.