European Cooperative Organization and Government Space Budgets
European Space Agency Budget
ESA Sending Heroic, Fictional Sheep Aboard Artemis I

NASA says its Artemis I flight set to launch as soon as late August will be an uncrewed lunar fly-by. The Paris-based European Space Agency would beg to differ. Shaun is leaving the happy confines of Mossy Bottom Farm to lead the flight around the Moon, an agency press release announced.
2017 – European Space Agency Budget – Snapshot
ESA operated with a 2017 budget of €5.75 billion (US$6.56 billion), a 12.8% increase from . . .
2016 – European Space Agency Budget
ESA operated with a 2016 budget of €5.250 billion (US$5.82 billion), an 18% increase from the 2015 budget of €4.433 billion (US$4.94 billion). The growth was partly due to . . .
2015 – European Space Agency Budget – Snapshot
ESA operated with a 2015 budget of €4.433 billion (US$4.94 billion), an 8% increase from the 2014 budget of €4.102 billion (US$5.62 billion). The growth was primarily due to…
Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2015
2014 – European Space Agency Budget
ESA operated with a 2014 budget of €## billion (US$## billion), a ##% decrease from the 2013 budget of €## billion (US$## billion). As in recent years, the largest three ESA funding line items were Earth observation activities at ##%, activities related to the Ariane and Vega launch vehicles at ##%, and navigation activities at ##% of the budget. The reduction in ESA’s budget was primarily due to lower contributions in the Launcher Program (related to the end of Ariane 5 Slice 5 activities) and in Earth Observation (due to a lower contribution by the EU), that were not fully offset by the increase in Galileo budgets.
Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2014
2013 – European Space Agency Budget
ESA operated with a 2013 budget of €## billion (US$## billion), a ##% increase from the 2012 budget of €## billion (US$## billion). As in the prior three years, the largest three ESA funding line items were Earth observation activities at ##%, navigation activities at ##%, and activities related to the Ariane and Vega launch vehicles at ##% of the budget. The budgetary contributions from new member states Poland and Romania, along with increases in ESA contributions from Italy and the United Kingdom (UK), are the primary source of the increase in the ESA budget.
Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2013
2012 – European Space Agency Budget
ESA operated with a 2012 budget of €## billion (US$## billion), a ##% increase from the 2011 budget of €## billion (US$## billion). As in the prior two years, the largest three ESA funding line items were Earth observation activities at ##%, navigation activities at ##%, and activities related to the Ariane and Vega launch vehicles at ##% of the budget. During 2012, Poland signed a formal Accession Agreement to become ESA’s twentieth member state. Poland’s mandatory contribution as an ESA member will begin to appear in ESA budgets starting in 2013.