2011 – Economy Snapshot

The global space industry showed very strong growth in 2011, increasing more than ##% from 2010. Commercial space revenue and government budgets reached a record total of $## billion in 2011. This follows a trend of continuing expansion in the global space economy, demonstrating a five-year growth rate of ##% from $## billion in 2006, with the largest growth registered in commercial infrastructure and support industries.

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Infrastructure: Space Infrastructure – TSR 2011

Infrastructure: Space Infrastructure - TSR 2011 examines global human spaceflight operations to include both the Chinese and US space stations, launch vehicles from all spacefaring nations, communications satellite constellations, PNT…

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Economy: Space Economy – TSR 2011

Economy: Space Economy - TSR 2011 an annual review of the commercial space infrastructure and support industries and space-based products and services used on Earth. This edition also delves into the…

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2010 – Perspective

Space activities have become central to the way we live, work, and play. Every day, around the world, people experience the benefits of human engagement in space. Space applications and services play central roles in our daily lives, from weather forecasting to navigation services to satellite-delivered entertainment.

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Fighting Breast Cancer with NASA Earth Observation Imagery

NASA imaging technology used to calculate the depths of lakes on Earth from space can also be used to fight breast cancer. Using spatial imaging software originally created to assist NASA in assessing the relative density and composition of landforms, Bartron Medical Imaging is developing the MED-SEG system.

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In-flight Telemedicine

Satellite-enabled remote telemedicine can also be valuable for passengers on an airplane who may require emergency medical attention. In September 2010, Etihad Airways, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates, installed the Tempus IC telemedicine system.

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Automating Emergency Response

Advanced telemedicine, or remote medical care, has improved due to space-related research in electronic sensors and navigation technology. One example is the development of a wrist monitor that, over time, calculates a person’s pattern of biological readings, such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and other basic measurements.

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Smart Training Shirt Shores Up Athletes

A new space-related product on the market with application in physical training is the smart e-shirt and the related TrainGrid technology. This product can measure and transmit key health data more accurately and more comfortably than current monitoring devices.

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Miniaturized Dental X-ray Camera

Dentists will soon be able to use a new dental instrument: a tiny, high-resolution X-ray camera that is thinner and smaller than current X-ray machines, minimizing patient discomfort. This tiny X-ray camera was built by a Swedish company, Nanospace, drawing on the same techniques that are used to build micro-propulsion systems for satellites.

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