2016 – Galileo – Snapshot
Europe continued launching Galileo satellites during 2016, enlarging its positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) constellation. Thanks to the launch of ## more Galileo satellites, the Europeans managed to grow their share of the total global operational PNT satellites by about ## percentage points for 2016 to ##%. Europe’s…
2016 – U.S. Payload Launch – Snapshot
U.S. launch activities constituted ##% of global orbital launch activity, matched only by China during 2016. The country’s ## successful launches for 2016 exceeded its 2015 efforts by ##.
2016 – BeiDou – Snapshot
China’s expansion of its positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) constellation, BeiDou, continued during 2016. The country’s share of the world’s orbiting operational PNT satellites increased to ##%, ## more than its share in 2015. China’s share of PNT satellites exceeded…
2016 – Commercial Infrastructure and Support Industries – Snapshot
In 2016, commercial infrastructure and support industries accounted for $126.26 billion, 5.3% more than in 2015.
2016 – Russian Missile Detection – Snapshot
Russia’s 2016 space-based early warning missile detection system consists of one satellite, a new generation “Tundra” satellite called Kosmos-2510.[fn[]Anatoly Zak. “Launch of the first EKS (Tundra) satellite.” Russianspaceweb.com. December 7, 2015. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/eks-tundra-kosmos25… Thank you for visiting The Space Report! The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity, Packed with Over a Decade of Data, Resources, and…
2016 – U.S. National Security Space Budgets – Snapshot
The United States spent $## billion on space activities in FY 2016, which ran from October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. ## of this spending, ## %, went…
2016 – U.S. Missile Detection – Snapshot
Since 1970, the United States has relied on space-based infrared sensors for detecting energy emitted from ballistic missile launches from other countries around the world. During 2016, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) continued to operate the primary means of detecting launches of missiles and space launch vehicles, using infrared satellites and sensors orbiting the Earth.
2016 – Satellite Radio – Snapshot
While multiple satellite radio companies have been started over the past decade, the only one currently operating is Sirius XM, based in the United States. Sirius XM had $## billion in revenue in…
2016 – Commercial Space Products and Services – Snapshot
The Commercial Space Products and Services section captures the sale of products and services enabled by space assets – such as telecommunications and broadcasting; positioning, navigation, and timing; and Earth observation. This sector increased ##% from $## billion in 2016 to $## billion in 2017.
2016 – Imagery, PNT, Data, and the Self-driving Car
When space and data technology come together in a car, the car starts knowing where it is.