Government Space Budgets
European Cooperative Organization and Government Space Budgets
2017 – EUMETSAT Space Budget – Snapshot
The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) had a total expenditure of €531.7 million (US$606.8 million) for 2016, the most recent year . . .
2017 – European Cooperative Organization and Government Space Budgets – Snapshot
Civil government spending on space programs and activities in Europe comes from four sources…
2016 – United Kingdom Government Space Budget
In the 2016-17 fiscal year, which ran from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, the United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA) budgeted £370.98 million (US$491.67 million), including. . .
2016 – Spanish Government Space Budget
Space activities in Spain are coordinated by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA) within the Ministry of Defense. In 2016, INTA received a budget of €137.4 million . . .
2016 – Italian Government Space Budget
Italy’s space agency, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), had a budget of €769.0 million (US$851.8 million) . . .
2016 – German Government Space Budget
Overall, Germany’s spending on space activities in 2016 totaled €1.43 billion (US$1.58 billion), essentially unchanged from €1.425 billion (US$1.589 billion) in 2015.
2016 – French Government Space Budget
In 2016, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France’s space agency, had a budget of €2.120 billion (US$2.348 billion). This was a 5.9% increase from its . . .
2016 – European Space Agency Budget
ESA operated with a 2016 budget of €5.250 billion (US$5.82 billion), an 18% increase from the 2015 budget of €4.433 billion (US$4.94 billion). The growth was partly due to . . .
2016 – European Commission Space Budget
A growing share of the European public investment in civil space programs is funded by the European Union under the auspices of its executive body, the European Commission (EC), which . . .
2016 – European Cooperative Organization and Government Space Budgets
Apart from the EDA, several national governments in Europe make significant military space spending commitments on a national basis.