
Commercial Infrastructure and Support Industries

2007 – Space Stations

Funding for the largest in-space platform, the International Space Station (ISS), is included under the government budgets of ISS partners. NASA, the largest contributor to the ISS, budgeted $## billion for the ISS in 2007, but actual expenditures were not available due to delays in the congressional budget process.[

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2007 – Satellite Manufacturing

Satellite manufacturing revenue increased ##% overall to an estimated $## billion. This growth was driven by a ##% growth in revenue for government payloads to $## billion. Despite the overall growth, revenue for commercial manufacturing actually fell ##% to $## billion. These numbers represent revenues from satellite payloads in the year they were launched, not necessarily when satellite manufacturers received revenue. The year 2007 saw the launch of ## satellites, ## of which were commercial.

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2007 – Launch Industry

Commercial launch industry revenue exhibited modest growth in 2007, increasing #% over 2006. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that the commercial launch vehicle industry generated $## billion in revenue in 2007, from ## launches, carrying ## payloads. Exhibit 1f shows commercial launch market share. Russia continues to launch the largest share of commercial payloads, slightly more than the U.S. and Europe combined.

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2007 – Commercial Infrastructure and Support Industries Overview

Revenue in 2007 for space infrastructure, including launch vehicles, satellites, ground stations, in-space platforms, and infrastructure support industries totaled $## billion, an increase of ##% over 2006. Ground stations and equipment saw the greatest growth at approximately ##%. Space infrastructure revenue estimates are shown in Exhibit 1e. Government budgets include funding for infrastructure, but government expenditures are addressed separately in U.S. Government Space Budgets.

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2005 – Commercial Human Spaceflight

In 2005, six ISS resupply launches were made from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. NASA paid Roscosmos $## million per launch. NASA’s planned funding for COTS is shown in Exhibit 4q. In 2005, NASA spent $## billion on space operations, (which includes the shuttle and ISS) and spent $## billion on exploration systems. Note that these funds are reflected in the overall NASA budget shown for 2006.

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2005 – Ground Stations and Receivers

Ground equipment revenues were $## billion in 2005, according to SIA data. These revenues include infrastructure elements such as mobile terminals, gateways, control stations, as well as end-user equipment such as very small aperture terminals (VSATs) and ultra small aperture terminals (USATs), direct-to-home (DTH) broadcast dishes, satellite phones and digital audio radio satellite (DARS) equipment.

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2005 – Satellite Manufacturing

According to the SIA, 2005 total commercial and government satellite manufacturing revenue was $## billion. Of this, ## percent of revenue was from government satellites ($## billion) and ## percent was non-governmental ($## billion). This number counts the revenues for the payload in the year in which it was launched, not necessarily the year the revenue was realized. Also, the revenue is totaled in then-year dollars; it is not adjusted for inflation.

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